Saturday, January 18, 2025
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National Package #MP1099
National Package #MP1099 Price: 1,300,000 national package


National 10-P130 Pump Package

Pump size Max piston dia x Stroke  6-3/4” x 10

Rated brake input horsepower  1300 @ 140 spm

Gear Ratio  2.853

Rated working pressure of fluid end psi 5,000

Fluid suction con. ANSI 150# flange  8

Crankcase oil capacity 90

National 10-P-130 pump (1300HP) is a complete rebuild with American bearings and seals

• All bearings fits were recorded and reports are available

• All components were M.P.I and reports are available

• Fluid modules were inspected and repaired as required

• Discharge strainers cross was disassembled, sandblasted, MPI and repaired as required

• K20 Pulsation Dampner was disassembled, sandblasted , a new urethane bldder, valve, and gauge was installed and charged to 800 PSI

• Liner sp0ray system is a 1X2 centrifugal pump with 3HP electric motor

• Pump is belt driven with dual GE 752 traction motors (REBUILT)

• Traction motor will be equipped with a UL approved lockout switch and UL approved pressure switch

• All components will be mounted on a master skid with loading hitches, belt drive guards and liner wash guards installed


Price:$650,000 each pump package

Total Price:  Qty. (2) Pump packages 1,300,000

Total number of pumps available is Qty. (4)