Derrick FLC-504 / 4-Panel Hinh "G" Shaker - Mud Cleaner
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Drawing # 15984-00-002, complete as follows:
Continuous 7.3 "G"-Force
- Providing increased capacity & superior solids conveyance Single Side Tensioning System
- Allows one minute screen change per panel Pyramid & Pyramid Plus Screen Technology
- Further increased capacities & finer screening Deck Angle Adjustment
- +7° uphill to -1° downhill I hand ratchet adjustable while drilling
Weir Feeder
Explosion-proof Electrics
- Super G™ SGX vibrating motors (sealed for life grease lubrication)
- 575/600 Volts, 3 Phase, 60 Cycle Standard Hopper - for screen underflow Standard Green Paint
Single Pan for Cone Package
2-Way Desander with 10" Cones/lOOOGPM @ 75 F/H Max Dimensions I Weight:
L 145 7/16 in I 3694 mm x W 80 I 2032 x H l 09 I 2769
7510 lbs. I 3407 kg