Wednesday, January 15, 2025
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1981 Falcon 40 GD RD #R1588
1981 Falcon 40 GD RD #R1588 Price: $375,000 falcon 40 reverse circulation


1981 Falcon 40 Gardner-Denver Reverse Circulation Rig mounted on 1988 LL9000 with 4 ¼ Cat engine, 10 speed transmission with 5/under.  Truck – 17000 original miles, in excellent shape.  Rig Serial # 1021


Rig:     1981 Reverse Circ Air-GHH Sulair controls, 850 x 350psi

            Deck engine series 2000 Detroit 525-600hp

            38 ft Derrick, drill from 90 degree to 30 degree angle-can go 8ft up to 8 ft down

            ground level, drill at any angle to a depth of 2700ft

            Water injection 4head bean pump, 20 gallons at 350psi

            GD Planetary pull down and pull back-70,000#

            Reverse Circ top head has Little Giant 3” packing assembly/bottom has 3” spindle             set up.

            Kelly pin set up for 4 ½ reverse pipe

            Chain pull down – adjustable wrench top of derrick

            Set up for injection of oil for hammers

            Hydraulic set up for 2nd injection pump

            Has big tongs for break out

            Has Hydraulic pipe break and Hydraulic slot fork

            Pipe Handler on derrick

            3” hose discharge inner pipe for Rev Cir with sample drum

            Cooling system on hydraulics and air compressor

            Bottom of derrick table opens for easy access

            1000 ft heavy duty rev cir pipe 4.5matrix, inner pipe 3” opening

            2 inner changes, both 2 7/8 – 3 ½ Api 2 hole slot, 4 ½ x 20 ft pipe

            In excellent shape

Extras- hydraulic motors – new or rebuilt for all pumps & motors on rig/hoses, chains, etc

            850 x 350 air compressor (rebuilt), same as on rig

            Pipe trailer, parts, etc

            Has cyclone, wet splitter, angling drilling package, remote control